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3rd Consortium Meeting, June 2024, RISE, Gothenburg, Sweden

20.06.2024 / News
3rd Consortium Meeting, June 2024, RISE, Gothenburg, Sweden

Happy to announce that on June 12 the HERCULES project had its consortium meeting (12-month meeting) in Gothenburg, Sweden.

During the meeting, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) and German Aerospace Center (DLR) co-presented their progress for WP1&WP2. DLR’s screening of computational materials concluded to the synthesis of different ‘’families’’ of doped CaMnO₃. CERTH and DLR also presented a notable number of findings regarding the synthesis and multi-cyclic behavior of different structures of the CMO including two samples provided from KRAFTBLOCK. University of Twente presented some fascinated results regarding the progress of multi-scale analysis for WP3. KRAFTBLOCK informed us about the hot compression tests protocol that is to be applied (WP4). External partner Alkagen presented some possibilities for the application-scale storage unit insulation (WP4). Lastly, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden updated on the ongoing direction for the LCA and techno-economics analysis for the upscaling of the process (WP6).

The hosting partner - RISE provided very impressive visits to locally housed facilities devoted to additive manufacturing. Both the 5-degrees-of-freedom metal 3-D printing laboratory and the large-scale plastics robotic 3-D printer attracted a barrage of questions from the meeting participants and stimulated avid discussions that, unfortunately, had to be cut short, in the interests of the meeting program.